The project aims to focus and implement sensitization/perspective in the following 11 areas to create awareness among the youth and transform them into responsible citizens who participate in nation-building in Andhra Pradesh. The main objective is to make the youth a knowledgeable, disciplined, and multi-tasking role model for society. Various surveys have revealed that 55% of the current population is youth, with no structured pathway programs to produce the desired results from them. Hence, there is a need to design a structural scheme to facilitate and bring out their hidden potential, ideas, knowledge, and skills, which can be converted into interventions and make them responsible citizens who can contribute to nation-building and integration. For 10 years, we have been running this program on the meager resources available with the commitment to serve our country. We need to associate with reputed institutions, philanthropic and charitable organizations, and individuals to make them self-reliant citizens of the motherland.